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Latona’s Business Broker Reviews (Learn The Truth About This Business Brokerage)

Are you overwhelmed by the choices of business brokers available? If you’re searching for a reliable and trustworthy broker, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive review, we dive deep into Latona’s, a leader in the business brokerage industry, to help you make an informed decision.

Whether you’re a novice in the investment world or a seasoned entrepreneur, this guide will equip you with crucial insights about Latona’s services, ensuring you choose the best broker for your needs.

What is Latona’s

Latona’s specializes in selling profitable web-based businesses, offering a full spectrum of services for sellers. From free business evaluations to facilitating secure asset transfers, Latona’s expertise lies in connecting entrepreneurs with a global network of investors and acquirers to secure the best possible deals.

For both sellers and buyers, Latona’s commitment to high standards throughout the sales process— from maintaining confidentiality with NDAs to managing safe escrow transactions—ensures a smooth and secure exchange.

Types of Businesses Latona’s Works With

Latona’s caters to a diverse range of online business models:

  • Content sites
  • eCommerce businesses, including Amazon FBA and Shopify stores
  • Lead generation sites
  • Membership sites
  • SaaS businesses
  • Domain portfolios

Business valuations vary, ranging from under $50,000 to over $5 million, demonstrating Latona’s ability to find the right buyers for even the most niche markets.

Commission Fees & Pricing

For Buyers

There are no fees for buyers when acquiring a business through Latona’s, which means more savings as you invest.

For Sellers

Latona’s charges a 15% commission on sales. While this rate is on the higher end of the industry spectrum, their track record of successful, high-multiple deals justifies the premium.

Buying a Business through Latona’s

Buying a business through Latona’s involves several key steps:

1. Reviewing Listings

Buyers can review live listings available on the marketplace where they will be able to examine key business metrics like annual revenue, profit, asking price, executive summary, and revenue sources.

2.Account Setup

To access more information about the business, a buyer must set up an account with Latona’s. With an account, buyers can receive full access to company financials, prospectuses, and seller questionnaires.

3. Conducting Due Diligence

While Latona’s does some vetting to ensure listings for their marketplace are a good fit, that doesn’t mean that deep due diligence has been done on the listings. Buyers must be willing to conduct their own due diligence on listed businesses. This helps the buyer understand if the business matches their buying criteria as well as protecting themselves from red flags or issues the business might have.

Sell Your Business with Latona’s

For sellers considering Latona’s, it’s important to understand their focus and requirements. They target established web businesses with annual profits ranging from $20,000 to $100,000,000 and at least one year of positive trading history. This ensures that they can sell these businesses at a strong price​​.

Get a Business Valuation

Latona’s has several online business calculators, broken down by individual monetizations. They have a generalized online business calculator as well as calculators for SaaS, e-commerce, FBA, and Lead Gen websites.

In their general online business calculator, you follow four steps of information submission to get a valuation. The necessary information and steps are as follows:

BBR - Latonas Valuation 1

BBR - Latonas Valuation 2

On their “sell your business” page, Latona’s lists the following criteria as factors in generating a valuation:

  • Sales volumes required to reach your revenue
  • Revenue distribution patterns across your full product range
  • Your ongoing cost base, including current marketing spend
  • EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)
  • The sorts of multiples achieved in recent comparable deals across relevant sectors

Keep the above information in mind when compiling information for your valuation to ensure that no detail is missed.

Latona’s List Multiples

There is no specific average list multiple with Latona’s; however, they do provide ballpark figures. For e-commerce businesses, they have closed deals from anywhere between 2x-10x annual net profit. Latona’s adds that outliers in the industry exist and that they have seen businesses close for much higher multiples because they understand how to pitch businesses to the right buyers.

Listing and Selling Process with Latona’s

Selling your business through Latona’s involves:

1. Account Setup

To start the sales process, set up your account with Latona’s. From here you’ll begin the valuation process.

2. Business Valuation

Once you submit all the required information to Latona’s for your valuation, they will return with a list price for the business. If you’re happy with the selling price, you can accept it; from there, they will work on building your business listing. If you want to see a different price, negotiate with the team for the price you want, but be ready to validate why you want a different price with data and information about the industry.

3. Listing Your Business

Latona’s will build a listing for your business and list it live on their marketplace. The listing will be promoted to their email list, and the assigned broker for the deal will start to reach out to interested buyers.

4. Connect with Buyers

Potential buyers will start to reach out about the business and will have questions for their due diligence. Ensure that you answer these questions thoroughly and promptly to keep the due diligence process running smoothly for all buyers. Latona’s will also help field questions from buyers to keep the deal moving along.

5. Negotiations and Offers

Prospective buyers who are interested in purchasing the business will start to send offers over. From here, you have room to negotiate the offer and create a deal structure that works for all parties. This is an important part of the sales process, where having a broker like Latona’s to help negotiate for the best terms will be key.

6. Deal Closing

After all the terms have been agreed upon, you and the buyer will sign the necessary contracts and start the transfer process.

7. Business Transfer

Transferring the business includes setting money aside for the business in escrow to ensure payments go through legally and securely. During this time, Latona’s can offer some advice on transferring the business over to the buyer, but a majority of the technical work will be taken on by the seller, buyer, or a third-party provider.


Is Latona’s Legit?

Established in 2009, Latona’s boasts a long history of successful deals, backed by a team of experienced brokers.

What Post-Sale Support Does Latona’s Offer?

While Latona’s focuses on facilitating the right buyer connections, post-sale support can vary and should be discussed as part of the negotiation process.

Pros and Cons of Using Latona’s


  • Experienced brokers who understand the nuances of online business deals.
  • A strong buyer network to facilitate faster, more profitable sales.
  • Extensive market reach with a promotional network of over 20,000 buyers.


  • Limited broker support during the post-sale phase.
  • High commission rates compared to some competitors.
  • Longer listing periods, which may not be ideal for quick sales.

Is Latona’s the Right Broker for You?

Latona’s offers significant advantages for sellers looking to achieve high-value exits. Their expertise and buyer network make them a strong contender in the brokerage market. However, if you prefer more comprehensive support and faster transactions, exploring other brokers may be advisable.

Still unsure? Schedule a free discovery call with DealSlide to explore your options and find the best broker to meet your business selling or buying needs.




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